How to stay on track
Now comes the hard part. It's not enough to define SMART goals—you also have to work on them. Make it a fun and rewarding activity! Get creative and try different methods to see what works best for you.
Consider the following:
- Put your goals up somewhere you see them every day ****(e.g., on your Notion dashboard). Don't forget to include your Why!
- Put important dates and deadlines in your calendar. If you have trouble sticking to deadlines that only apply to you: Is there an external deadline you can tie your goal to?
- Write a list of tasks you want to do and need to do to work towards your goal. Break it down into small steps. Then, estimate how long each task will take you. This way, you’ll prevent overwhelm.
- Plan backwards: Start with your target date and calculate backwards. This way you'll know when you should do which task.
- Decide how often you want to track your progress. Block that time in your calendar or make a note on your to-do list.
- Make the goal part of your identity: What kind of person will you have to be to reach your goal? This mindset shift will be a motivation booster!
- If you struggle with self-discipline, look for an accountability buddy—someone with whom you'd feel comfortable chatting about your goals and progress. Can't find a particular person? Share it online and show your journey (e.g., on Social Media).
💡 Decide how often and when you want to track your goal(s).
Transfer your goal(s) and tasks into your planning system.
✅ Done?
Yay, congrats! 🥳 Check out the next page for additional inspiration and information!